Executive Search

A comprehensive and thorough examination of the market to identify the best people within a defined sector.

Comprehensive and Thorough.

One of the key objectives of Executive Search is to ensure that the very best candidate from a defined sector is identified, engaged and secured. To achieve this, executing a comprehensive, thorough and detailed process, inclusive of both active and passive candidates is essential.


We are fully transparent with our clients on the progress of each search, with weekly formal reporting and updates whenever required. Our reports include both successes achieved and challenges faced. This way, we are able to offer and find solutions quickly and efficiently, enabling a successful and positive search experience.

Shortlists with Strength & Depth.

Another core objective of Executive Search is to provide a shortlist with a range of excellent candidates. This can be challenging in searches with very niche requirements, however we always aim to present between 4-6 candidates, ensuring you secure the best candidate for every position.


In the recruitment industry, it’s common for your initial discussion to be with an experienced Director, but the process is executed by individuals with much less experience, frequently without adequate training. All Stoneleaf Searches are executed by a very experienced and highly knowledgeable Director.

Pro-Active Approaches.

The most talented candidates are not always actively searching and applying for a new position. However, they must be included in order to provide the highest quality shortlist. We use tried and trusted research & headhunting techniques to identify, approach and engage these individuals with your requirement.


The whole Executive Search process is geared towards generating a successful outcome for our clients. This means providing innovative solutions to obstacles, offering our professional advice & guidance but above all, a deep determination, commitment and passion for finding the best people for every single search.


Stage 1

Briefing, Market Map & Long List


The process begins with an in-depth briefing focusing on the role, team and business, covering everything from day-to-day responsibilities, reward structures and organisational culture. Understanding softer elements such as the culture of the organisation and team, leadership styles and personalities really help us match the right candidate later in the process.

Using this information, we map the market to identify all those who could potentially be a great fit. This forms the basis of the long list.

Stage 2

Approaches, Interviews & Shortlisting


Approaches are then made to everyone on the long list. The list narrows as we find out more detailed information on each potential candidate.

The remainder are invited to attend in-depth face-to-face interviews. The top performers are then shortlisted for the position and submitted to our client. We include a detailed report which covers experience, personality, presentation, ambitions, leadership styles and other elements specific to each search.

Stage 3

Final interviews, References & Offer


Usually, all shortlisted candidates are invited to attend face-to-face interviews with our clients hiring team. Dependant on the seniority of the role and our clients internal process, this could be 2, 3 or more stages.

Once a preferred candidate has been selected, we assist in the preparation of a compelling job offer which we present to the candidate and mediate any negotiations. Once acceptance of the offer has been secured, we support client and candidate through the signing of contracts and handing in of notice. We are also able to gather references.

At a senior level, notice period can be up to and above 6 months. We remain in contact with both parties throughout this period until start date.

Contact us.


If you need to recruit for your team and would like to discuss our different approaches, please contact us using the information below. We would love to hear from you.

+44 (0)207 459 4195